Blogger Widgets Gifts From The Kitchen : June 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Shop of the Week 6/28/13 - 7/5/13

This week's shop of the week for the team Best Little Team on Etsy  is  Cyn Humphrey.  A Showcase of Treasures at Affordable Prices.
Blue Satin Bead Stretch Bracelet
Upcycled Guitar Pick Peacock Charm Earrings

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Coming Soon

Coming soon to Knit Pic Lovelies....... Cup Coolies! What are they? A knitted device that is designed to keep your beverage in your coffee cup hot or the beverage in your soda cup cold while keeping your hand at a normal temperature. LOOK FOR THEM SOON!!!
Cup Coolies will go great with a Mug Rug.  I may even offer them in sets.  What is a mug rug?  Extra large drink coasters or smaller versions of placemats that hold a cup of tea, coffee or other drink of choice with room for a treat.
Flamingo Mug Rug

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Treasury Tuesday:

Red, White and Blue

A little something to get you in the Fourth of July Spirit!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Shop of the Week 6/21/13

I am the Captain of a new team on Etsy called The Best Little Team On Etsy.   I just started "Shop of The Week".  Each week I  select ONE shop from our team to be featured. I will feature this shop on my blog. 
This week's featured shop is Beauty Bar Baby.
~~~Grand Opening Sale~~~25% Off Everything~~~Welcome! All my mineral makeup is created in small batches by hand by me! My minerals are all natural with NO parabens, sulfates, talc, preservatives, fragrances, dyes, or cheap fillers added.
Here are 2 items from Nicole's shop. 
Grand Opening Sale Mineral Eyeshadow Makeup Hey Now Glimmer Eyeshadow 1 gram
Grand Opening Sale Mineral Eyeshadow Makeup Dazed Glimmer All Natural Vegan
Be sure to check out the rest of Nicole's lovely shop! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Blog Hops

Blog Hops.  What is a blog hop you ask? A blog hop, or link up is basically a widget, called a linky, that allows bloggers to add their blog to a list. The list can be on multiple sites or may just be on the site of the blogger hosting the hop.  Blog hops allow you to visit other blogs, follow blogs you like, and gain followers.
I belong to four blog hops.  Each week, I go to each of these hops and follow  5-10 bloggers per hop.  This means I follow 20-40 new blogs each time.  I am lucky if I get one blogger out of all of them to follow me back.  How does everyone else do it?  I follow these blogs and leave a comment as to how I found them along with a link back to my blog.  Not sure what else to do to get more bloggers to follow me back.
What are your thoughts on blog hops?  How successful are you on these hops? 

Friday, June 14, 2013

What Am I Doing With My Life?

I am so frustrated.  Everything I try to do goes nowhere. I am having no luck in selling on Etsy or at the vendor mall that my items are in.  I want to do some craft shows but every time I get an application for one, there is something more important going on that day or weekend.  I can't seem to get my photography business going.  I have had one paying job and that was for a friends wedding which was very informal and really not a lot of photo ops because, there weren't really that many people there.  I have two maternity shoots coming up but guess what....... they are for my daughters which means, I am doing it as a gift.
As far as finding a real job???  Well, that is a joke in this area we live in. There really isn't anything unless you are in the medical field or can drive a truck. Part of it is my fault because I am at the point in my life that I do not want to work holidays or weekends. 
So, here I am with 2 grandchildren on the way wondering what the hell am I doing with my life.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Recovering From Surgery

It has been one week since my surgery.  I am on my way to recovery but wish it would hurry up. As I can only stand long enough to take a shower, there is much I want to do but can't. 
Last night, the band that my hubby works for played out.  I had to stay home.  Tomorrow, a local band that I really like, and don't get to see often is playing at the Field days.  I probably won't be able to go.  This past week has been the Boxing Hall of Fame Festivities.  There is always a huge parade on Sunday with dozens of boxers and thousands lining the streets.  I don't think I will be able to go unless we can get the van somewhere that I can sit in it and still see.  Hmm.....somehow I don't think that will be possible. 
Here's to hoping I feel much better by next weekend as I have a wedding to go to on Friday, my daughter's baby shower on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Perfect Etsy Team

Isn't it the wish of every team captain to have THE best team?  What would be the perfect team? Here are my thoughts:   First,  would be to have every member be active.  Second,  would be to have a thread for every topic. Third, would be to have strong leaders.   I don't think the quantity of members matter so much as the quality of members.  What is the sense in having hundreds or thousands of members if only 5 or 10 are active?  What is the sense in joining a team if you are not going to use it to your advantage? 
A perfect team would have something to offer everyone.  Example, mentors,  contests, sweepstakes, threads for every topic, promotions,  just to name a few. 
What are your thoughts on the perfect team?