Blogger Widgets Gifts From The Kitchen : Meet Me Monday

Monday, January 28, 2013

Meet Me Monday

Over the weekend, my husband bought me a weaving kit.  I immediately started working with it.  I am making weaved handbags to be sold at Donna's Specialties which is a small multi-vendor market.  Eventually, I will be making these for my Etsy shop.
Here is a finished one.

Here is one I am working on.
So, my husband and I were discussing this and I said, I want a big one to make afghans with.  My husband said well, the board looks easy enough to make.  So, eventually, he is going to make me a big one!


  1. Looks great, love the bright color!

    Visiting from Blogging Buddies

  2. Nice and jazzy! Look forward to seeing the afghan!

